How To Make Blade In Little Alchemy 1 & 2

The recipes needed to create Blade in the Little Alchemy games, plus the other elements it unlocks 

A blade is the fundamental part of any cutting tool or weapon. The same applies to the Little Alchemy games. Blade can be added to a bunch of elements to create a useful tool or weapon. But how is it made?  

Ingredients needed to make Blade 

Blade has 1 recipe in Little Alchemy 1, and 4 in Little Alchemy 2 

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Metal + Stonemetal icon in little alchemy 1stone icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Stone + Metalstone icon in little alchemy 2metal icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Stone + Steelstone icon in little alchemy 2steel icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Rock + Metalrock icon in little alchemy 2metal icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Rock + Steelrock icon in little alchemy 2steel icon in little alchemy 2
blade icons in both little alchemy games

The quickest way to get to Blade 

Blade is an element that you stumble upon earlier in the game. It only takes 4 combinations from the beginning of both games.  

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  2. Air + Lava → Stone 
  3. Fire + Stone → Metal 
  4. Metal + Stone → Blade 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Air + Air → Pressure 
  2. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  3. Stone + Fire → Metal 
  4. Stone + Metal → Blade 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

The precursor ingredients to Blade are easy to create as they are all early elements. Fire is a starting element so you don’t need to know how to make it, here are the recipes for the others:


Arthur’s favorite place to store his sword. Also, the perfect ingredient for creating a blade. 

Little Alchemy 1 

stone icon in little alchemy 1
  • Air + Lava 

Little Alchemy 2  

stone icon in little alchemy 2
  • Earth + Pressure 
  • Flour + Puddle 
  • Flour + Rain 

Check out our full guide to making Stone in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


If you add Metal to Stone you’ll get Blade. But be careful not to add Stone to Metal, otherwise, you’ll get Sword instead.  

Little Alchemy 1 

metal icon in little alchemy 1
  • Fire + Stone 

Little Alchemy 2  

metal icon in little alchemy 2
  • Stone + Fire 
  • Stone + Heat 
  • Ore + Fire 
  • Ore + Heat 
  • Ore + Tool 

Check out our full guide to making Metal in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


Dwayne Johnson, or a type of music? Otherwise known as a big lump of stone and mineral matter. Only found in Little Alchemy 2.  

Little Alchemy 2  

rock icon in little alchemy 2
  • Pebble + Pebble 
  • Pebble + Big 
  • Boulder + Small 


A strong steel blade is a reliable one. It’s no surprise Steel can be used to make Blade in Little Alchemy 2. Simply add Stone or Rock to it, and you’ll get Blade.  

Little Alchemy 1 

steel icon in little alchemy 2
  • Air + Fire 
  • Plant + Sun 

Little Alchemy 2  

steel icon in little alchemy 2
  • Fire + Fire 
  • Fire + Science 
  • Fire + Atmosphere 
  • Heat + Science 

What can you make with Blade? 

If you’ve ever used a Stanley knife, you’ll know how important the blade is. Or even an axe. There are many tools that need a blade to be useful. Here are all the elements that can be made with Blade.  

Little Alchemy 1 

Axe Blade + Wood 
Bayonet Gun + Blade  
Blender Glass + Blade 
Blade + Electricity 
Blood Human + Blade 
Confetti Paper + Blade 
Helicopter Airplane + Blade 
Jack-o-lantern Pumpkin + Blade 
Leather Cow + Blade 
Pig + Blade 
Meat Livestock + Blade 
Pencil sharpener Pencil + Blade 
Scalpel Blade + Doctor 
Blade + Hospital 
Scissors Blade + Blade 
Scythe Blade + Grass 
Blade + Wheat 
Shuriken Star + Blade 
Sword Blade + Metal 
Blade + Steel 

Little Alchemy 2 

Axe Wood + Blade 
Bandage Fabric + Blade 
Bayonet Gun + Blade 
Blender Blade + Grass 
Blade + Electricity 
Blade + Windmill 
Blade + Wind Turbine 
Blade + Motion 
Blood Human + Blade 
Coconut Milk Coconut + Blade 
Confetti Paper + Blade 
Cookie Cutter Blade + Dough 
Blade + Cookie Dough 
Corpse Human + Blade 
Durendal (DLC) Paladin (DLC) + Blade 
Blade + Holy Water (DLC) 
Helicopter Airplane + Blade 
Seaplane + Blade 
Katana Blade + Heat 
Blade + Shuriken 
Blade + Ninja 
Knife Blade + Cook 
Leather Blade + Cow 
Blade + Pig 
Blade + Sheep 
Mousetrap Mouse + Blade 
Pencil Sharpener Pencil + Blade 
Rose Blade + Plant 
Blade + Flower 
Sap Tree + Blade 
Scalpel Blade + Doctor 
Blade + Hospital 
Blade + Ambulance 
Scissors Blade + Blade 
Blade + Paper 
Blade + Sword 
Scythe Blade + Grass 
Blade + Wheat 
Shuriken Star + Blade 
Ninja + Blade 
Sword Blade + Metal 
Blade + Wood 
Blade + Steel 
Swordfish Fish + Blade 
Shark + Blade 
Wax Beehive + Blade 
Wool Sheep + Blade 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Flour has one category in the encyclopedia – Weapons 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Blade