How To Make Container In Little Alchemy 2

The recipes needed to create Container in Little Alchemy 2, plus the other elements it unlocks 

Container is one of Little Alchemy 2’s “conceptual” elements, that represent the function or property of a thing, rather than what it actually is. If that doesn’t make sense, read on to find out how to make Container, and maybe it will. 

Ingredients needed to make Container 

As Container is a concept, not an object, it’s made by applying an inquiring mind (Philosophy) to any item than could contain something else. There are 6 ways to make it in Little Alchemy 2. 

IngredientsIngredient Images
Philosophy + Safephilosophy icon in little alchemy 2safe icon in little alchemy 2
Philosophy + Potteryphilosophy icon in little alchemy 2pottery icon in little alchemy 2
Philosophy + Housephilosophy icon in little alchemy 2house icon in little alchemy 2
Philosophy + Boxphilosophy icon in little alchemy 2box icon in little alchemy 2
Philosophy + Bottlephilosophy icon in little alchemy 2bottle icon in little alchemy 2
Philosophy + Bucketphilosophy icon in little alchemy 2bucket icon in little alchemy 2
container icon little alchemy 2

The quickest way to get to Container  

Container is very advanced element, requiring at least 27 steps, whether or not you have the Time element available. 

Using Time 

  1. Water + Earth → Mud 
  2. Air + Air → Pressure 
  3. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  4. Mud + Stone → Clay 
  5. Water + Water → Puddle 
  6. Puddle + Puddle → Pond 
  7. Pond + Pond → Lake 
  8. Lake + Lake → Sea 
  9. Earth + Sea → Primordial soup 
  10. Primordial soup + Time → Life 
  11. Clay + Life → Human 
  12. Stone + Air → Sand 
  13. Sand + Fire → Glass 
  14. Earth + Earth → Land 
  15. Land + Land → Continent 
  16. Continent + Continent → Planet 
  17. Planet + Fire → Sun 
  18. Fire + Fire → Energy 
  19. Sun + Energy → Solar cell 
  20. Solar cell + Sun → Electricity 
  21. Glass + Electricity → Light bulb 
  22. Human + Light bulb → Idea 
  23. Human + Idea → Philosophy 
  24. Mud + Fire → Brick 
  25. Brick + Brick → Wall 
  26. Wall + Wall → House 
  27. Philosophy + House → Container 

Without using Time 

  1. Water + Earth → Mud 
  2. Air + Air → Pressure 
  3. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  4. Mud + Stone → Clay 
  5. Water + Water → Puddle 
  6. Puddle + Puddle → Pond 
  7. Pond + Pond → Lake 
  8. Lake + Lake → Sea 
  9. Earth + Sea → Primordial soup 
  10. Fire + Fire → Energy 
  11. Primordial soup + Energy → Life 
  12. Clay + Life → Human 
  13. Stone + Air → Sand 
  14. Sand + Fire → Glass 
  15. Earth + Earth → Land 
  16. Land + Land → Continent 
  17. Continent + Continent → Planet 
  18. Planet + Fire → Sun 
  19. Sun + Energy → Solar cell 
  20. Solar cell + Sun → Electricity 
  21. Glass + Electricity → Light bulb 
  22. Human + Light bulb → Idea 
  23. Human + Idea → Philosophy 
  24. Mud + Fire → Brick 
  25. Brick + Brick → Wall 
  26. Wall + Wall → House 
  27. Philosophy + House → Container 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

You’ll start the game with Fire, but here’s how to make the other precursor elements to Container: 


If you’ve ever considered the chicken and egg situation, you’re a philosopher. 

philosophy icon in little alchemy 2
  • Human + Story 
  • Human + Idea 
  • Egg + Chicken 

Check out our full guide to making Philosophy in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


safe icon in little alchemy 2

The best place to keep your valuables. 

  • Metal + Money 
  • Metal + Gold 
  • Steel + Money 
  • Steel + Gold 
  • Container + Gun 
  • Container + Gold 


Some hardened clay makes the ideal storage for anything you don’t mind getting smashed. 

pottery icon in little alchemy 2
  • Clay + Wheel 
  • Clay + Tool 


People need somewhere to sleep when they’re not doing philosophy. 

house icon in little alchemy 2
  • Wall + Wall 
  • Wall +  Human 
  • Wall + Tool 
  • Fireplace + Container 
  • Family + Container 


To make Box, you need Container first. So it’s hardly a precursor element, but here’s how to make it anyway. 

box icon in little alchemy 2
  • Container + Pizza 
  • Container + Pencil 
  • Container + Cereal 
  • Container + Cookie 
  • Container + Donut 
  • Container + Cake 
  • Container + Crayon 


Loads of ways to make Bottle… but again you’ll need Container first. 

bottle icon in little alchemy 2
  • Container + Milk 
  • Container + Water 
  • Container + Coconut milk 
  • Container + Juice 
  • Container + Oil 
  • Container + Alcohol 
  • Container + Wine 
  • Container + Beer 
  • Container + Chocolate milk 
  • Container + Soda 
  • Container + Perfume 
  • Container + Liquid 


The perfect receptacle for your fired chicken, and the game designers sure know it! 

bucket icon in little alchemy 2
  • Container + Wood 
  • Container + Yogurt 
  • Container + Paint 
  • Bottle + River 
  • Bottle + Paint 
  • Chicken wing + Container 
  • Chicken wing + Box 

What can you make with Container? 

Wow – Container might just be the most useful element in Little Alchemy 2! If you can put an element inside something, you can create a different type of element. Here’s the full list of recipes that use Container. 

Element Recipes 
Airplane Pilot + Container 
Anthill Ant + Container 
Aquarium Fish + Container 
Bakery Baker + Container 
Bank Money + Container 
Barn Container + Livestock
Container + Cow 
Container + Horse 
Container + Pig 
Container + Hay 
Container + Sheep 
Container + Hay bale 
Container + Goat 
Container + Babe the blue ox 
Barrel Wine + Container 
Battery Container + Electricity
Container + Energy 
Beehive Container + Bee 
Birdcage Bird + Container 
Birdhouse Egg + Container 
Blood bag Blood + Container 
Boiler Pressure + Container 
Book Container + Story
Container + Fairy tale 
Container + Legend 
Container + Idea 
Bottle Container + Milk
Container + Water 
Container + Coconut milk 
Container + Juice 
Container + Oil 
Container + Alcohol 
Container + Wine 
Container + Beer 
Container + Chocolate milk 
Container + Soda 
Container + Perfume 
Container + Liquid 
Box Container + Pizza
Container + Pencil 
Container + Cereal 
Container + Cookie 
Container + Donut 
Container + Cake 
Container + Crayon 
Bucket Container + Wood
Container + Yogurt 
Container + Paint 
Chicken wing + Container 
Bullet Gunpowder + Container 
Cage Hamster + Container 
Castle Knight + Container
Monarch + Container 
Paladin (DLC) + Container 
Cave Container + Wolf
Container + Lion 
Container + Fox 
Container + Bat 
Chicken coop Chicken + Container
Cockatrice (DLC) + Container 
City Skyscraper + Container
Bank + Container 
Clock Cuckoo + Container 
Closet Container + Broom
Container + Toolbox 
Container + Umbrella 
Container + Robot vacuum 
Coffin Container + Corpse
Container + Vampire 
Computer Email + Container 
Cup Container + Smoothie
Container + Tea
Container + Milk shake 
Doghouse Dog + Container
Husky + Container 
Dynamite Gunpowder + Container 
Egg Life + Container 
Elixir of life Immortality (DLC) + Container 
Family Love + Container 
Farm Farmer + Container 
Fireplace Campfire + Container
Wood + Container 
Forest Tree + Container 
Fridge Cold + Container
Ice + Container
Ice cream + Container 
Galaxy Star + Container
Solar system + Container 
Supernova + Container  
Galaxy cluster Galaxy + Container 
Garage Car + Container
Ambulance + Container
Motorcycle + Container
Bus + Container 
Sleigh + Container 
Electric car + Container 
Snowmobile + Container 
Tractor + Container 
RV + Container 
Ice cream truck + Container 
Garden Flower + Container 
Grave Coffin + Container 
Graveyard Gravestone + Container 
Greenhouse Plant + Container 
Gun Bullet + Container 
Hangar Airplane + Container
Seaplane + Container 
Helicopter + Container 
Rocket + Container 
Spaceship + Container 
Hospital Doctor + Container 
Hourglass Sand + Container
Time + Container 
House Fireplace + Container
Family + Container 
Jar Jam + Container 
Lawn Grass + Container 
Library Book + Container 
Light bulb Light + Container 
Magic lamp Djinn (DLC) + Container 
Mimic Monster (DLC) + Container 
Nest Egg + Container 
Ocean Tide + Container 
Orchard Fruit tree + Container 
Pandora’s box Container + Good
Container + Evil 
Pirate ship Pirate + Container 
Post office Mailman + Container 
Pyramid Mummy + Container
Container + Book of the dead 
Sack Container + Flour
Container + Salt
Container + Letter 
Safe Container + Gun
Container + Gold 
Scuba tank Container + Air
Container + Atmosphere
Container + Oxygen 
Silo Wheat + Container 
Solar system Planet + Container
Sun + Container 
Mars + Container 
Mercury + Container 
Venus + Container 
Jupiter + Container 
Saturn + Container 
Spaceship Astronaut + Container 
Toolbox Tool + Container
Hammer + Container 
Ruler + Container 
Steel wool + Container 
Chain + Container 
Trainyard Train + Container 
Tree Nest + Container 
UFO Alien + Container 
Universe Space + Container
Galaxy cluster + Container
Vase Container + Flower
Container + Rose
Village House + Container
Bakery + Container
Volcano Lava + Container 
Zoo Animal + Container 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Container has one category in the encyclopedia – Containers 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Container