How To Make Rainbow In Little Alchemy 1 and 2

The recipes needed to create Rainbow in both versions of Little Alchemy, plus the other elements it unlocks 

Sunshine. Lollipops. Rainbows. Every little girl’s favorite things. Unfortunately, you can’t make all of them in the Little Alchemy games, but you can make a Rainbow, and here’s how: 

rainbow icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
rainbow icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Ingredients needed to make Rainbow 

There are 2 ways to make Rainbow in Little Alchemy 1, both of which rely on some basic scientific thinking. In Little Alchemy 2 there are 7, using the same thought process but expanding the available number of recipes. 

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Rain + Sunrainsun
Little Alchemy 1Rain + Lightrainlight
Little Alchemy 2Rain + Sunrainsun
Little Alchemy 2Rain + Lightrainlight
Little Alchemy 2Light + Waterlightwater
Little Alchemy 2Light + Cloudlightcloud
Little Alchemy 2Light + Prismlightprism
Little Alchemy 2Sun + Watersunwater
Little Alchemy 2Sun + Prismsunprism

The quickest way to get to Rainbow  

Rainbow is a bit unusual in that it’s quicker to make in LA2 than in LA1. In the first game it takes 6 steps but in the second only 5. 

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Water + Air → Rain 
  2. Water + Fire → Steam 
  3. Air + Steam → Cloud 
  4. Air + Cloud → Sky 
  5. Fire + Sky → Sun 
  6. Rain + Sun → Rainbow 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Earth + Earth → Land 
  2. Land + Land → Continent 
  3. Continent + Continent → Planet 
  4. Planet + Fire → Sun 
  5. Water + Sun → Rainbow 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

Some standard vegetative growth plus a sprinkling of color are what you need to make Rainbow. 


Half of the word rainbow, so you know it’ll come in useful. 

rain icon in little alchemy 1

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Water + Air 
  2. Cloud + Water

Little Alchemy 2  

rain icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Cloud + Heat 
  2. Cloud + Pressure 
  3. Cloud + Water 


The reason the song goes “I wanna see the sunshine after the rain,” is that sunshine and rain together create rainbows! 

Little Alchemy 1 

sun icon in little alchemy 1

Fire + Sky 

Little Alchemy 2 

sun icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Sky + Light 
  2. Sky + Fire 
  3. Day + Space 
  4. Day + Sky 
  5. Day + Light 
  6. Planet + Fire 
  7. Planet + Light 

Find out how to make Sun in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know


You don’t need perfect sunlight to make a rainbow, any type will do. 

Little Alchemy 1 

light icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Electricity + Light bulb 
  2. Electricity + Flashlight 

Little Alchemy 2 

light icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Electricity + Light bulb 
  2. Electricity + Flashlight 

Find out how to make Light in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know


Little Alchemy 1 

cloud icon in little alchemy 1

Air + Steam 

Little Alchemy 2 

cloud icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Atmosphere + Mist 
  2. Atmosphere + Water
  3. Sky + Mist 
  4. Sky + Water 


Clouds and water are just natural prisms. A glass one works just as well to make Rainbow. That said, you’ll need to make Rainbow before you make Prism, so these instructions are just for fun: 

Little Alchemy 1 

prism icon in little alchemy 1

Glass + Rainbow 

Little Alchemy 2 

prism icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Glass + Rainbow 
  2. Glass + Double rainbow
  3. Crystal ball + Rainbow 
  4. Crystal ball + Double rainbow! 

What can you make with Rainbow? 

Rainbow opens up a host of other sparkly and fantastical elements. 

Little Alchemy 1 

ElementRecipe with Rainbow
ChameleonLizard + Rainbow 
CrayonRainbow + Pencil
Rainbow + Wax
Double RainbowRainbow + Rainbow
GoldMetal + Rainbow
PaintWater + Rainbow
PeacockBird + Rainbow
PrismGlass + Rainbow
SkittlesRainbow + Sugar
ToucanBird + Rainbow
UnicornRainbow + Horse
Rainbow + Life

Little Alchemy 2 

ElementRecipe with Rainbow
ButterflyAnimal + Rainbow
ChameleonLizard + Rainbow
Snake + Rainbow
Turtle + Rainbow
CrayonRainbow + Pencil
Rainbow + Wax
Double RainbowRainbow + Rainbow
FlowerPlant + Rainbow
Glass + Rainbow
GoldMetal + Rainbow
Steel + Rainbow
MagicLife + Rainbow
PaintWater + Rainbow
Pottery + Rainbow
Tool + Rainbow
Liquid + Rainbow 
PeacockBird + Rainbow
PrismGlass + Rainbow
Crystal Ball + Rainbow 
Rainbow Serpent (DLC)Deity (DLC) +  Rainbow
Jörmungandr (DLC) + Rainbow
SprinklesSugar + Rainbow
ToucanBird + Rainbow
UnicornHorse + Rainbow
WizardHuman + Rainbow

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Rainbow has three categories in the encyclopedia – weather, events, and light 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Rainbow