How To Make Darth Vader In Little Alchemy 1

The recipes needed to create Darth Vader in Little Alchemy 1, plus the other elements it unlocks 

Greetings, young Padawan! Are you ready to harness the power of the dark side and create one of the most iconic villains in the galaxy? Darth Vader of course. Grab your lightsaber, channel your inner Sith lord, and let’s create Darth Vader in Little Alchemy.  

Ingredients needed to make Darth Vader 

Unfortunately, Darth Vader is only featured in Little Alchemy 1, just like Yoda, Jedi, and Lightsaber. There are two ways to make Darth Vader: 

  • Jedi + Fire 
  • Jedi + Lava 

Once you have combined either set of these elements, voila! You shall have successfully created the Sith Lord himself. But beware, for with great power comes great responsibility. And in the case of Darth Vader, also great danger. May the force be with you, always. 

darth vader in little alchemy

The quickest way to get to Darth Vader  

In Little Alchemy, it takes 15 steps to get to Darth Vader from the beginning, which is the quickest way – using Jedi and Fire.  

  1. Air + Fire → Energy 
  2. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  3. Air + Lava → Stone 
  4. Fire + Stone → Metal 
  5. Metal + Stone → Blade 
  6. Blade + Metal → Sword 
  7. Energy + Sword → Lightsaber 
  8. Water + Earth → Mud 
  9. Water + Air → Rain 
  10. Earth + Rain → Plant 
  11. Mud + Plant → Swamp 
  12. Swamp + Energy → Life 
  13. Earth + Life → Human 
  14. Lightsaber + Human → Jedi 
  15. Jedi +  Fire →  Darth Vader 

What can you make with Darth Vader? 

All you can make with Darth Vader is a bunch of force-choked enemies. So, in Little Alchemy that means nothing, sorry! 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

Here are some combinations to get to some of the most important elements that are required in order to reach Darth Vader in Little Alchemy 1.  


Not a place you’d like to spend much time without a peg on your nose, but the perfect bag of chemicals to kick-start Darth Vader.  

Little Alchemy 1 

swamp icon in little alchemy 1
  • Mud + Plant 
  • Mud + Grass 

Little Alchemy 2  

swamp icon in little alchemy 2
  • Mud + Grass 
  • Mud + Tree 
  • Tree + Lake 
  • Algae + Lake 
  • Algae + Pond 
  • Reed + Lake 
  • Reed + Pond 
  • Reed + Mud 

Check out our full guide to making Swamp in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


You’re going to need Lava to get Stone. You can also re-use it later to combine it with Jedi, which gives you the final combination of Darth Vader.  

Little Alchemy 1 

lava icon in little alchemy 1
  • Air + Fire 
  • Plant + Sun 

Little Alchemy 2  

lava icon in little alchemy 2
  • Fire + Fire 
  • Fire + Science 
  • Fire + Atmosphere 
  • Heat + Science 


What’s Lord Vader without a Lightsaber? A heavy-breathing walky-talky! We had better give him a Lightsaber on the way to creating him. Here are a couple of ways to make Lightsaber: 

Little Alchemy 1 

lightsaber icon in little alchemy 1
  • Light + Sword 
  • Energy + Sword 
  • Electricity + Sword 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Darth Vader is not in Little Alchemy 2, so has no categories in the encyclopedia.  

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Darth Vader