How to Make Wheel in Little Alchemy 1 & 2

The recipes needed to create Wheel in the Little Alchemy games, plus the other elements it unlocks 

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and become a wheel-making wizard in Little Alchemy! With just a few simple ingredients, you’ll be able to craft one of the most essential and versatile inventions in human history.

But how do you make it from the start? Let’s find out! 

wheel icons in both little alchemy games

Ingredients needed to make Wheel 

There is only 1 way to make Wheel in Little Alchemy 1. In Little Alchemy 2 there are 7. The majority of methods involve a Tool or some Motion.  

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Tool + Woodtool icon in little alchemy 1wood icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Motion + Toolmotion icon in little alchemy 2tool icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Motion + Metalmotion icon in little alchemy 2metal icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Tool + Watertool icon in little alchemy 2water icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Tool + Rivertool icon in little alchemy 2river icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Motion + Stonemotion icon in little alchemy 2stone icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Motion + Steelmotion icon in little alchemy 2steel icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Tool + Streamtool icon in little alchemy 2stream icon in little alchemy 2

The quickest way to get to Wheel In Both Little Alchemy Games 

The quickest way to get to Wheel in Little Alchemy 1 takes 17 steps. In Little Alchemy 2, it takes 13 with Time and 14 without Time.  

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Water + Earth → Mud 
  2. Water + Air → Rain 
  3. Earth + Rain → Plant 
  4. Mud + Plant → Swamp 
  5. Air + Fire → Energy 
  6. Swamp + Energy →  Life 
  7. Earth + Life → Human 
  8. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  9. Air + Lava →  Stone 
  10. Fire + Stone →  Metal 
  11. Human + Metal → Tool 
  12. Stone + Air → Sand 
  13. Fire + Sand → Glass 
  14. Sand + Glass → Time 
  15. Plant + Time → Tree 
  16. Tool + Tree → Wood 
  17. Tool + Wood → Wheel 

Little Alchemy 2 (using Time) 

You’ll need to discover 100 other elements to unlock Time 

  1. Water + Earth →  Mud 
  2. Air + Air → Pressure 
  3. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  4. Mud + Stone → Clay 
  5. Water + Water → Puddle 
  6. Puddle + Puddle → Pond 
  7. Pond + Pond → Lake 
  8. Lake + Lake → Sea 
  9. Earth + Sea → Primordial Soup 
  10. Primordial Soup + Time → Life 
  11. Clay + Life → Human 
  12. Human + Stone → Tool 
  13. Tool + Water → Wheel 

Little Alchemy 2 (without Time) 

  1. Water + Earth → Mud 
  2. Air + Air → Pressure 
  3. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  4. Mud + Stone → Clay 
  5. Water + Water → Puddle 
  6. Puddle + Puddle → Pond 
  7. Pond + Pond → Lake 
  8. Lake + Lake → Sea 
  9. Earth + Sea → Primordial Soup 
  10. Fire + Fire →  Energy 
  11. Primordial Soup + Energy → Life 
  12. Clay + Life → Human 
  13. Human + Stone → Tool 
  14. Tool + Water → Wheel 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

Used to determine fortune in Casinos, and an integral part of most transport vehicles, Wheel is almost always started with a Tool.


That wrench you used to fix the plumbing? That’s a Tool. The most frequent element used in combinations to make Wheel in the Little Alchemy games. Here’s a couple of ways to create it. 

Little Alchemy 1 

tool icon in little alchemy 1
  • Human + Metal 

Little Alchemy 2  

tool icon in little alchemy 2
  • Human + Metal 
  • Human + Wood 
  • Human + Rock 
  • Wood + Steel 
  • Wood + Rock 
  • Human + Steel 
  • Human + Stone 
  • Wood + Metal 
  • Wood + Stone 

Check out our full guide to making Tool in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 

H3: Motion 

The physics of moving or being moved. The force behind using a Tool to make a Wheel.  

Little Alchemy 2 

motion icon in little alchemy 2
  • Wind + Science 
  • Wind + Philosophy 
  • Tornado + Philosophy 
  • Stream + Philosophy 
  • River + Philosophy 
  • Wind + Idea 


Once you’ve got Motion, combine it with some Stone and you’ve got yourself a Wheel. Here are some quick recipes to make it.  

Little Alchemy 1 

stone icon in little alchemy 1
  • Air + Lava 

Little Alchemy 2  

stone icon in little alchemy 2
  • Earth + Pressure 
  • Earth + Solid 
  • Air + Lava  

Check out our full guide to making Stone in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


You’ll need Human for whichever way you choose to create Wheel in both games (with or without Time in Little Alchemy 2).    

human icon in little alchemy 1

Earth + Life 

Little Alchemy 2  

human icon in little alchemy 2

Check out our full guide to making Human in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 

What can you make with Wheel? 

From cars to bikes and even a windmill! Wheels have been used to create many useful objects in real life, and that’s also reflected in the Little Alchemy games.  

Little Alchemy 1 

Bicycle Wheel + Wheel 
Car Wheel + Metal 
Cart Wheel + Wood 
Clock Time + Wheel 
Hamster Mouse + Wheel 
Pottery Plate + Wheel 
Skateboard Snowboard + Wheel 
Steam Engine Boiler + Wheel 
Thread Wheel + Wool 
Train Steam Engine + Wheel 
Water Wheel Wheel + Water 
Wheel + River 

Little Alchemy 2 

Bicycle Wheel + Wheel Wheel + Chain Wheel + Machine 
Car Wheel + Metal 
Wheel + Steel 
Wheel + Bicycle 
Wheel + Motorcycle 
Cart Wheel + Wood 
Clock Time + Wheel 
Sundial + Wheel 
Combustion Engine Petroleum + Wheel 
Cyclist Human + Wheel 
Donut Dough + Wheel 
Cookie Dough + Wheel 
Fabric Thread + Wheel 
Flour Wheat + Wheel 
Hamster Mouse + Wheel 
Rat + Wheel 
Machine Tool + Wheel 
Boiler + Wheel 
Oil Sunflower + Wheel 
Pizza Cheese + Wheel 
Pottery  Clay + Wheel 
Skateboard Wheel + Snowboard 
Wheel + Skier 
Wheel + Ski Goggles 
Steam Engine Steam + Wheel 
Boiler + Wheel 
Sundial Sun + Wheel 
Light + Wheel 
Day + Wheel 
Thread Cotton + Wheel 
Train Steam Engine + Wheel 
Windmill Wind + Wheel 
Wheel + Wall 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Wheel has one category in the encyclopaedia which is Tools

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Wheel