How To Make Tool In Little Alchemy 1 and 2 

The recipes needed to create Tool in both versions of Little Alchemy, plus the other elements it unlocks.

Tool is used in Little Alchemy just like one would be in real life, to help you to create useful things. For example, using Tool in the game can enable you to create many objects such as Fishing Rod, Hammer and even Factory.


Tool is made in Little Alchemy by combining Metal and Human. But, in Little Alchemy 2, you can combine other elements to create Tool. 

Ingredients Needed to Make Tool

There are various sets of ingredients that can be combined to create Tool:  

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Human + Metalhumanmetal
Little Alchemy 2Human + Metalhuman
Little Alchemy 2Human + Steelhumansteel
Little Alchemy 2Human + Woodhumanwood
Little Alchemy 2Human + Stonehumanstone
Little Alchemy 2Human + Rockhumanrock
Little Alchemy 2Wood + Metalwoodmetal
Little Alchemy 2Wood + Steelwoodsteel
Little Alchemy 2Wood + Stonewoodstone
Little Alchemy 2Wood + Rockwoodrock

Walkthrough Steps  

Human is one of the most common methods of making Tool in Little Alchemy. To get to Human, it takes 7 steps from the beginning of the game. You’ll need to combine some elements before you can use it.

Here’s how to create the precursor ingredients:  

How to Get to Tool in Little Alchemy 2 (Steps to Take) 

In total, there are 17 steps that you need to take to get to Tool in Little Alchemy 2:  

  1. Air + Air = Pressure 
  2. Earth + Pressure = Stone 
  3. Earth + Earth = Land
  4. Land + Land = Continent
  5. Continent + Continent = Planet
  6. Air + Planet = Atmosphere
  7. Water + Atmosphere = Cloud
  8. Fire + Fire = Energy
  9. Energy + Cloud = Lightning
  10. Water + Water = Puddle
  11. Puddle + Puddle = Lake
  12. Lake + Lightning = Life 
  13. Life + Land = Soil and Animal
  14. Earth + Water = Mud 
  15. Stone + Mud = Clay
  16. Clay + Life = Human 
  17. Human + Stone = Tool 


There is only 1 way to make Human in Little Alchemy. However, in Little Alchemy 2, there are 5 ways:  

  1. Earth + Life (Little Alchemy 1) 
  2. Time + Animal (Little Alchemy 2)  
  3. Life + Clay. (Little Alchemy 2) 
  4. Time + Monkey. (Little Alchemy 2) 
  5. Tool + Animal. (Little Alchemy 2) 
  6. Tool + Monkey. (Little Alchemy 2)   

Read our full guide on how to make Human in Little Alchemy


There is 1 way to make Metal in the first game. In Little Alchemy 2 there are 5 ways: 

  1. Fire + Stone (Little Alchemy 1&2)
  2. Ore + Fire (Little Alchemy 2) 
  3. Ore + Tool (Little Alchemy 2)
  4. Stone + Heat (Little Alchemy 2)
  5. Ore + Heat (Little Alchemy 2) 

Don’t miss our full guide on how to make Metal in Little Alchemy


There is 1 way to make Wood in the first game. In Little Alchemy 2 there are 13 ways: 

  1. Tool + Tree (Little Alchemy 1&2) 
  2. Tree + Axe (Little Alchemy 2) 
  3. Tree + Chainsaw (Little Alchemy 2)
  4. Tree + Sword (Little Alchemy 2)
  5. Tree + Lumberjack (Little Alchemy 2)
  6. Tool + Forest  
  7. Axe + Forest
  8. Forest + Chainsaw
  9. Forest + Lumberjack
  10. Forest + Paul Bunyan
  11. Tree + Paul Bunyan
  12. Forest + Paul Bunyan
  13. Tree + Paul Bunyan 

Don’t miss our full guide on how to make Wood in Little Alchemy

What Can be Made With Tool?  

Just like in real life, Tool in little alchemy is a very useful element. Here’s what Tool can make in both Little Alchemy games.  

Little Alchemy 

What Can Be Made?  Ingredients 
Steam Engine Tool + Boiler 
House Tool + Brick 
Pottery Tool + Clay 
Coconut MilkTool + Coconut 
Thread Tool + Cotton 
Meat Tool + Cow 
Stethoscope Tool + Doctor 
Field Tool + Earth 
Fishing Rod Tool + Fish 
Safety Glasses Tool + Glasses 
Lawn Mower Tool + Grass 
Pitchfork Tool + Hay 
Engineer Tool + Human 
Flashlight Tool + Light 
Armor Tool + Metal 
Cashmere Tool + Mountain Goat 
Computer Tool + Nerd 
Meat Tool + Pig 
Umbrella Tool + Rain 
Wool Tool + Sheep 
Armor Tool + Steel 
Statue Tool + Stone 
Solar Cell Tool + Sun 
Fabric Tool + Thread 
Clock Tool + Time 
Wood Tool + Tree 
Wheel Tool + Wood 
Sweater Tool + Wool 

Little Alchemy 2  

What Can Be Made? Ingredients 
Axe Tool + Lumberjack Tool + Wood 
Boiler Tool + Pressure Tool + Steam 
Bullet Tool + Gunpowder 
Butter Tool + Milk 
Cashmere Tool + Mountain Goat 
Cheese Tool + Milk 
Clock Tool + Sundial Tool + Time 
Coconut Milk Tool + Coconut 
Computer Tool + Hacker 
Fabric Tool + Thread 
Factory Tool + House 
Field Tool + Earth Tool + Land Tool + Soil 
Fishing Rod Tool + Fish Tool + Piranha Tool + Swordfish 
Flashlight Tool + Lamp Tool + Light Tool + Light Bulb 
Hammer Tool + Metal Tool + Steel Tool + Stone Tool + Rock Tool + Woodpecker 
House Tool + Wall 
Human Tool + Animal Tool + Monkey 
Lawn Mower Tool + Grass Tool + Scythe 
Leather Tool + Cow Tool + Pig Tool + Sheep 
Lens Tool + Glass 
Machine Tool + Boiler Tool + Chain Tool + Engineer Tool + Tool Tool + Wheel 
Meat Tool + Animal Tool + Chicken Tool + Cow Tool + Fish Tool + Frog Tool + Flying Fish Tool + Livestock Tool + Pig Tool + Shark Tool + Swordfish 
Metal Tool + Ore 
Microscope Tool + Lens 
Milk Tool + Cow Tool + Goat 
Needle Tool + Thread 
Omelet Tool + Egg 
Paint Tool + Double Rainbow! Tool + Rainbow 
Pipe Tool + Tobacco 
Pitchfork Tool + Hay 
Plow Tool + Field 
Pottery Tool + Clay 
Rope Tool + Boat Tool + Pirate Ship Tool + Sailboat Tool + Wire 
Saddle Tool + Horse 
Safety Glasses Tool + Glasses 
Shovel Tool + Gardener 
Solar Cell Tool + Light Tool + Sun 
Stethoscope Tool + Doctor Tool + Hospital Tool + Sound 
Sundial Tool + Day Tool + Light Tool + Sun 
Sweater Tool + Wool 
Syringe Tool + Needle 
Thermometer Tool + Quicksilver 
Thread Tool + Cotton 
Toolbox Tool + Box Tool + Container Tool + Safe 
Umbrella Tool + Rain Tool + Storm 
Wand Tool + Wizard 
Wax Tool + Beehive 
Wheel Tool + Motion Tool + River Tool + Stream Tool + Water 
Wood Tool + Forest Tool + Tree 
Wool Tool + Sheep 

Little Alchemy 2 Category 

Tool has one category in the encyclopedia – Tools.

DLC Packs Needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Tool.