How To Make Light In Little Alchemy 1 and 2

Mixing elements in the dark is no fun, so the sooner you make Light in the Little Alchemy games, the better!

Ingredients needed to make Light

Both games have the same two ways to make Light, and the funny thing is, you need to make the devices that produce light first. The combinations are:

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Electricity + Light bulbelectricity icon in little alchemy 1lightbulb icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1Electricity + Flashlightelectricity icon in little alchemy 1flashlight icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Electricity + Light bulbelectricity icon in little alchemy 2lightbulb icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Electricity + Flashlightelectricity icon in little alchemy 2flashlight icon in little alchemy 2

The quickest way to get to Light

The Light you make in Little Alchemy isn’t natural light, as you’d get from the sun, or even a fire. It specifically means the type of light produced by electrical power. For that reason, there are quite a few preliminary steps and elements needed to create Light in either game.

The fastest ways to do it take 9 steps in Little Alchemy 1, and 13 in Little Alchemy 2: 

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  2. Air + Lava → Stone 
  3. Fire + Stone → Metal 
  4. Air + Fire → Energy 
  5. Metal + Energy → Electricity 
  6. Stone + Air → Sand 
  7. Fire + Sand → Glass 
  8. Electricity + Glass → Light bulb 
  9. Electricity + Light bulb → Light 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Earth + Earth → Land 
  2. Land + Land → Continent 
  3. Continent + Continent → Planet 
  4. Planet + Fire → Sun 
  5. Fire + Fire → Energy 
  6. Sun + Energy → Solar cell 
  7. Solar cells + Sun → Electricity 
  8. Air + Air → Pressure 
  9. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  10. Stone + Air → Sand 
  11. Sand + Fire → Glass 
  12. Glass + Electricity → Light bulb 
  13. Electricity + Light bulb → Light 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

Only three other elements are used to make Light, but they’re all quite advanced. 


To make electrical light, you’ll need electricity first. 

Little Alchemy 1 

electricity icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Metal + Energy 
  2. Wind turbine + Wind 
  3. Solar cells + Sun 
  4. Solar cell + Light 

Little Alchemy 2 

electricity icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Metal + Lightning 
  2. Steel + Lightning 
  3. Storm + Science 
  4. Wind turbine + Wind 
  5. Wind turbine + Motion 
  6. Wind turbine + Storm 
  7. Wind turbine + Sandstorm 
  8. Solar cells + Sun 
  9. Solar cell + Light 
  10. Solar cell + Star 

Light bulb 

And once you have electricity, you’ll need a way to turn its energy into light. 

Little Alchemy 1 

lightbulb icon in little alchemy 1

Electricity + Glass 

Little Alchemy 2 

lightbulb icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Glass + Electricity 
  2. Glass + Light 
  3. Light + Container 


Lastly, you need something to plug the light bulb into. 

Little Alchemy 1 

flashlight icon in little alchemy 1

Tool + Light 

Little Alchemy 2 

flashlight icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Tool + Light 
  2. Tool + Light bulb 
  3. Tool + Lamp 
  4. Human + Lamp 

What can you make with Light? 

Light is pretty handy for the fun things in life, like lightsabers and Christmas trees. Here’s what you can use it for in Little Alchemy 1 and 2. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Element  Recipes  
Electricity  Solar cell + Light 
Flashlight  Tool + Light 
Lighthouse  Light + House 
Light + Beach 
Light + Sea 
Light + Ocean 
Lightsaber  Light + Sword 
Optical  Wire + Light 
Pumpkin  Vegetable + Light 
Rainbow  Rain + Light 
X-ray  Light + Bone 
Light + Skeleton 

Little Alchemy 2 

Element  Recipes  
Angel  Human + Light 
Candle  Wax + Light 
Christmas  Tree + Light 
Electricity  Solar cell + Light 
Flashlight  Tool + Light 
Gold  Metal + Light
Steel + Light 
Jack-o’-lantern  Pumpkin + Light 
Light bulb Glass + Light
Light + Container 
Light sword Sword + Light 
Lighthouse  Light + House
Light + Ocean 
Light + Sea 
Light + Beach 
Moth  Butterfly + Light 
Optical fiber Wire + Light 
Rope + Light 
Light + Internet 
Rainbow  Rain + Light
Water + Light 
Cloud + Light 
Prism + Light 
Solar cell Tool + Light 
Spotlight  Light + Machine
Light + Metal 
Light + Steel 
Sun  Sky + Light
Day + Light
Planet + Light 
Sundial  Light + Wheel
Light + Tool 
Light + Clock 
Light + Watch 
Sunglasses  Glasses + Light 
Will-o’-the-wisp (DLC) Monster (DLC) + Light 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Light has two categories in the encyclopedia – Basic and Light 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Light 

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