How To Make Moon In Little Alchemy 1 and 2

The recipes needed to create Moon in both versions of Little Alchemy, plus the other elements it unlocks 

Is the moon a large lump of rock orbiting our planet, or is it made of cheese? The jury’s out in the Little Alchemy games. At least in Little Alchemy 1; in Little Alchemy 2, Cheese makes a cheeky appearance as an ingredient element, but the other recipes are all scientifically sound. Let’s find out how to make it! 

moon icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
moon icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Ingredients needed to make Moon 

There are 2 ways to make Moon in Little Alchemy 1, and 9 in Little Alchemy 2. Think about large things in the sky and you’ll get there easily enough. 

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Sky + Cheesesky icon in little alchemy 1cheese icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1Sky + Stonesky icon in little alchemy 1stone icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Sky + Cheesesky icon in little alchemy 2cheese icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Sky + Stonesky icon in little alchemy 2stone icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Sky + Planetsky icon in little alchemy 2planet icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Sky + Timesky icon in little alchemy 2time icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Planet + Nightplanet icon in little alchemy 2night icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Planet + Stoneplanet icon in little alchemy 2stone icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Night + Stonenight icon in little alchemy 2stone icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Night + Cheesenight icon in little alchemy 2cheese icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Night + Earthnight icon in little alchemy 2earth icon in little alchemy 2

The quickest way to get to Moon  

Moon is a mid-level element that you can find quite quickly. The fastest way to find it has 6 steps in both games. 

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Water + Fire → Steam 
  2. Air + Steam → Cloud 
  3.  Air + Cloud → Sky 
  4. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  5. Air + Lava → Stone 
  6. Sky + Stone → Moon 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Air + Air → Pressure 
  2. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  3. Earth + Earth → Land 
  4. Land + Land → Continent 
  5. Continent + Continent → Planet 
  6. Stone + Planet → Moon 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 

The moon is large lump of rock in space. Or is it made of cheese?….


sky icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
sky icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Where the moon lives, even in daytime. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Air + Cloud 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Air + Cloud 
  2. Sun + Atmosphere 
  3. Sun + Moon 
  4. Cloud + Atmosphere 

Read our full guide on how to make Sky in Little Alchemy


cheese icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
cheese icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

All of the material recovered from the moon so far has turned out to be rock, but maybe there’s cheese on the dark side… Meanwhile on earth, in Little Alchemy, this is how it’s made: 

Little Alchemy 1 

Milk + Time 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Milk + Tool 
  2. Milk + Time 
  3. Milk + Cook 
  4. Milk + Bacteria 

Check out our full guide to making Cheese in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


stone icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
stone icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

The more boring, but accurate, constituent of Moon. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Air + Lava 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Earth + Pressure 
  2. Earth + Solid 
  3. Air + Lava  

Check out our full guide to making Stone in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 


night icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
night icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Sometimes you can see the moon by day, but the best views are at night. 

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Moon + Time 
  2. Time + Day 
  3. Sky + Moon 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Sky + Moon 
  2. Time + Moon 
  3. Time + Day 
  4. Time + Twilight 


planet icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
planet icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

The moon looks like our own little planet. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Earth + Space 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Continent + Continent 
  2. Continent + Ocean 
  3. Earth + Space 
  4. Earth + Solar system 
  5. Earth + Sky 

Don’t miss our full guide on how to make Planet in Little Alchemy


time icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
time icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

What goes fast when you’re having fun, and slow when you’re at work? 

Little Alchemy 1 

Sand + Glass 

Little Alchemy 2 

No recipe – you’ll get Time automatically after discovering 100 other elements. 

What can you make with Moon? 

The moon is a crucial part of many elements that you’ll find at night or in space. 

Little Alchemy 1 

AstronautHuman + Moon
EclipseSun + Moon
MothButterfly + Moon
NightMoon + Time
Sky + Moon
SpaceStar + Moon
TideMoon + Sea
Moon + Ocean
WolfWild Animal + Moon

Little Alchemy 2 

AstronautHuman + Moon
Chang’e (DLC)Moon + Deity (DLC)
Moon + Elixir of life (DLC)
EclipseSun + Moon 
Moon RoverMoon + Car
Moon + Eletric Car
MothButterfly + Moon
NightSky + Moon
Time + Moon
OwlBird + Moon
SkySun + Moon
SpaceStar + Moon
TelescopeGlass + Moon
TideOcean + Moon
Sea + Moon
WolfAnimal + Moon

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Moon has one category in the encyclopedia – space 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Moon