How To Make Sword In Little Alchemy 1 & 2 

The recipes needed to create Sword in the Little Alchemy games, plus the other elements it unlocks 

The favored weapon of pirates, knights, and jedis, finding Sword in Little Alchemy is a welcome surprise. Read on to find out how to make it. 

Ingredients needed to make Sword 

Making Sword involves sharpening a piece of metal. No surprise there. The only difference in Little Alchemy 2 is that you can use Wood too, presumably to add a handle. 

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Blade + Metalblade icon in little alchemy 1metal icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1Blade + Steelblade icon in little alchemy 1steel icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Blade + Metalblade icon in little alchemy 2metal icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Blade + Steelblade icon in little alchemy 2steel icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Blade + Woodblade icon in little alchemy 2wood icon in little alchemy 2
sword icons in little alchemy 1 and 2

The quickest way to get to Sword  

Sword is an element that you can discover quite early on, requiring only 5 steps in both Little Alchemy 1 and 2. 

Little Alchemy 1 

sword icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Earth + Fire → Lava 
  2. Air + Lava → Stone 
  3. Fire + Stone → Metal 
  4. Metal + Stone → Blade 
  5. Blade + Metal → Sword 

Little Alchemy 2 

sword icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Air + Air → Pressure 
  2. Earth + Pressure → Stone 
  3. Stone + Fire → Metal 
  4. Stone + Metal → Blade 
  5. Blade + Metal → Sword 

Steps to make the necessary ingredients 


A sword is a big long blade. So you’ll need to be able to make a blade before you can fashion Sword. 

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Metal + Stone 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Stone + Metal 
  2. Stone + Steel 
  3. Rock + Metal 
  4. Rock + Steel 


Swords are usually made from metal. The ones that actually work are, anyway. Except for lightsabers, but that’s another story (from a galaxy far, far away). 

Little Alchemy 1 

Fire + Stone 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Stone + Fire 
  2. Stone + Heat 
  3. Ore + Fire 
  4. Ore + Heat 
  5. Ore + Tool 


The strongest swords are made from Steel. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Metal + Coal 

Little Alchemy 2  

  1. Metal + Coal  
  2. Metal + Charcoal  
  3. Metal + Mineral   
  4. Metal + Ash 


You can get away with a sword made only from metal, but having a wooden handle makes it much more comfortable to hold. Loads of ways to get Wood in Little Alchemy 2! 

Little Alchemy 1 

wood icon in little alchemy 1

Tool + Tree 

Little Alchemy 2 

wood icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Tree + Tool 
  2. Tree + Axe 
  3. Tree + Chainsaw 
  4. Tree + Sword 
  5. Tree + Lumberjack 
  6. Forest + Tool 
  7. Forest + Axe 
  8. Forest + Chainsaw 
  9. Forest + Sword 
  10. Forest + Lumberjack 
  11. Tree + Paul Bunyan 
  12. Forest + Paul Bunyan 

Check out our full guide to making Wood in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know 

What can you make with Sword? 

Sharp-edged things are dangerous, but they lead to some fun items. Not all dangerous or warlike – who doesn’t love a swordfish? In Little Alchemy 2 you can use a sword as a practical tool too. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Element Recipes 
Bayonet Gun + Sword 
Excalibur Sword + Stone 
Lightsaber Light + Sword
Energy + Sword 
Electricity + Sword
Pirate Sword + Sailor 
Swordfish Sword + Fish 
Warrior Sword + Human 

Little Alchemy 2 

Element Recipes 
Bandage  Fabric + Sword 
Bayonet  Gun + Sword 
Blood  Warrior + Sword 
Coconut  Coconut + Sword 
Durendal  Sword + Holy water (DLC)
Sword + Paladin (DLC) 
Sword + Good (DLC) 
Excalibur  Sword + Stone 
Sword + Legend 
Sword + Story 
Sword + Monarch 
Sword + Lake 
Sword + Fairy tale 
Katana  Sword + Shuriken
Sword + Ninja 
Knife  Sword + Cook 
Leather  Sword + Cow
Sword + Pig 
Sword + Sheep 
Light  Sword + Light
Sword + Electricity 
Sword + Energy 
Sword + Space 
Sword + Force knight 
Meat  Sword + Livestock
Sword + Chicken 
Sword + Pig 
Sword + Cow 
Sword + Animal 
Sword + Shark 
Pencil  Pencil + Sword 
Pirate  Sailor + Sword 
Scalpel  Sword + Doctor
Sword + Hospital 
Sword + Ambulance 
Scissors  Blade + Sword
Sword + Sword 
Sword + Paper 
Scythe  Sword + Grass
Sword + Wheat 
Shuriken  Star + Sword 
Swordfish  Fish + Sword
Shark + Sword 
Wand  Wizard + Sword 
Warrior  Human + Sword 
Wax  Beehive + Sword 
Wood  Tree + Sword
Forest + Sword 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Sword has one category in the encyclopedia – weapons 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Sword