How to Make Livestock in Little Alchemy 1 & 2 

The recipes needed to make Livestock in both Little Alchemy games, plus the other elements it can unlock

Livestock, a crucial resource to humans. Like Cow, Livestock can be used to create elements such as Chicken, Meat and Farm. It is relatively easy to get to and doesn’t require many steps. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Livestock.

livestock icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
livestock icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Ingredients needed to make Livestock 

In Little Alchemy 1, Livestock can be made using 3 recipes. In Little Alchemy 2, there are 4 recipes to create Livestock, all of which include the Animal element.  

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Farmer + Lifefarmer icon in little alchemy 1life icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1Farmer + Wild Animalfarmer icon in little alchemy 1wild animal icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1Human + Wild Animalhuman icon in little alchemy 1wild animal icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Animal + Fieldanimal icon in little alchemy 2field icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Animal + Farmeranimal icon in little alchemy 2farmer icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Animal + Barnanimal icon in little alchemy 2barn icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Animal + Domesticationanimal icon in little alchemy 2domestication icon in little alchemy 2

How to Get to Livestock in Little Alchemy 1 

For the first game, you can create Livestock in only 9 steps from the start, the full recipe for Livestock is listed below.  

  1. Water + Earth = Mud 
  2. Water + Air = Rain
  3. Earth + Rain = Plant
  4. Mud + Plant = Swamp
  5. Air + Fire = Energy
  6. Swamp + Energy = Life
  7. Earth + Life = Human
  8. Human + Plant = Farmer
  9. Farmer + Life = Livestock  

How to Get to Livestock in Little Alchemy 2 

In the second version of the game, there are lots of new elements and therefore more ways to get to Livestock.  

With Time 

You need to be on 100 elements or more to be able to use Time. This is the quickest way to make Livestock with Time in the recipe. There are 14 steps in this recipe.  

  1. Water + Water = Puddle 
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond 
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
  6. Primordial Soup + Time = Life
  7. Earth + Earth = Land
  8. Life + Land = Animal
  9. Air + Air + = Pressure
  10. Earth + Pressure = Stone
  11. Stone + Fire = Metal
  12. Earth + Metal = Plow
  13. Plow + Earth = Field
  14. Animal + Field = Livestock 

Without Time 

To get to Livestock without time, it takes 15 steps. Slightly longer, but perhaps more convenient if you have not yet got to 100 elements throughout the game.  

  1. Water + Water = Puddle 
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond 
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Earth + Sea = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Primordial Soup + Energy = Life
  8. Earth + Earth = Land
  9. Life + Land = Animal
  10. Air + Air + = Pressure
  11. Earth + Pressure = Stone
  12. Stone + Fire = Metal
  13. Earth + Metal = Plow 
  14. Plow + Earth = Field 
  15. Animal + Field = Livestock 

Walkthrough steps to make the necessary ingredients 

To get to Livestock, Farmer and Animal are two ingredients used in many combinations to get there.  

Here’s how to create the precursor ingredients: 


There are 3 ways to make Farmer in the first game, in the second, there are 7: 

Little Alchemy 1 

farmer icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Human + Field 
  2. Human + Plant 
  3. Human + Pitchfork 

Little Alchemy 2 

farmer icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Human + Plant
  2. Human + Pitchfork 
  3. Human + Barn
  4. Human + Ochard
  5. Human + Grass
  6. Human + Field
  7. Human + Plow 

Read our full guide on how to make Farmer in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know


Before you can make LIVEstock, you’ll need some LIFE. There are 2 ways to make it in Little Alchemy 1, but 12 in the second game! 

Little Alchemy 1 

life icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Swamp + Energy 
  2. Love + Time 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Primordial soup + Electricity 
  2. Primordial soup + Time 
  3. Primordial soup + Storm
  4. Primordial soup + Volcano
  5. Primordial soup + Lightning
  6. Primordial soup + Energy
  7. Electricity + Ocean
  8. Electricity + Sea
  9. Electricity + Lake
  10. Lightning + Ocean
  11. Lightning + Sea
  12. Lightning + Lake 

Read our full guide on how to make Life in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know

Wild Animal 

Animals start out wild and get domesticated. That’s when they become Livestock as farmers know it. Wild Animal is only available in the first game, and there’s only one way to create it.

Little Alchemy 1 

wild animal icon in little alchemy 1

Forest + Life 


Livestock needs to be managed by farmers, and farmers are (usually) humans. 

Little Alchemy 1 

human icon in little alchemy 1

Earth + Life 

Little Alchemy 2 

human icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Time + Animal
  2. Time + Monkey
  3. Clay + Life
  4. Tool + Animal
  5. Tool + Monkey

Read our full guide on how to make Human in Little Alchemy for everything else you need to know


Livestock also need somewhere to live and graze, so make them a field. 

Little Alchemy 1 

field icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Earth + Tool 
  2. Earth + Farmer 

Little Alchemy 2

field icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Farmer + Earth 
  2. Farmer + Land 
  3. Farmer + Soil
  4. Tool + Earth
  5. Tool + Land
  6. Tool + Soil 
  7. Plow + Earth
  8. Plow + Land
  9. Plow + Soil 


The place where animal food gets stored, and they sleep on cold nights. Lots of ways to make this element! 

Little Alchemy 1 

barn icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Livestock + House 
  2. Cow + House
  3. House + Hay 

Little Alchemy 2 

barn icon in little alchemy 2
  1. House + Cow
  2. House + Livestock 
  3. House + Hay
  4. House + Farm
  5. House + Field
  6. House + Sheep
  7. House + Goat
  8. House + Babe the blue ox
  9. Container + Livestock
  10. Container + Cow
  11. Container + Horse
  12. Container + Pig
  13. Container + Hay
  14. Container + Sheep
  15. Container + Hay bale
  16. Container + Goat
  17. Container + Babe the blue ox  


The process of convincing wild animals to join your happy human family. Only available in Little Alchemy 2 

Little Alchemy 2 

domestication icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Animal + Human
  2. Animal + Farmer
  3. Animal + Science
  4. Farmer + Science 

What Can be Made With Livestock?  

Across both Little Alchemy games, Livestock is used to make 21 elements in total. In the first Little Alchemy game, you can create 10 elements. In Little Alchemy 2, you can create 11 elements.  

Little Alchemy 1 

Here’s what can be made with Livestock in the first Little Alchemy game.  

New Element Full Recipe with Livestock 
Barn Livestock + House 
Camel Desert + Livestock 
Chicken Livestock + Bird 
Egg + Livestock 
Cow Grass + Livestock 
Goat Livestock + Mountain 
Horse Livestock + Hay 
Meat Livestock + Blade 
Livestock + Butcher 
Pig Livestock + Mud 
Reindeer Santa + Livestock 
Sheep Cloud + Livestock   

Little Alchemy 2 

Here’s what can be made with Livestock in Little Alchemy 2.  

New Element Ways to Create with Livestock 
Babe the Blue Ox (DLC) Livestock + Paul Bunyon (DLC) 
Livestock + Giant (DLC) 
Barn House + Livestock 
Container + Livestock 
Camel Desert + Livestock 
Sand + Livestock 
Dune + Livestock 
Chicken Bird + Livestock 
Egg + Livestock 
Cow Livestock + Barn 
Livestock + Field 
Livestock + Farmer 
Livestock + Grass 
Goat Livestock + Mountain 
Livestock + Mountain Range 
Livestock + Hill 
Horse Livestock + Hay 
Livestock + Barn 
Livestock + Horseshoe 
Livestock + Saddle 
Meat Tool + Livestock 
Axe + Livestock 
Sword + Livestock 
Butcher + Livestock 
Pig Mud + Livestock 
Reindeer Livestock + Santa 
Livestock + Christmas Tree 
Sheep Livestock + Wool 
Livestock + Hill 
Livestock + Land 
Livestock + Cloud 

Little Alchemy 2 Category for Livestock 

Livestock has one category – Animals 

DLC Packs Needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Livestock.