How To Make Sun In Little Alchemy 1 and 2

Most people enjoy a little sunshine in their life, so brighten up your gameplay by adding the sun in the Little Alchemy games

The sun is the single source of energy for our world, so it’s no surprise that it’s used to make a huge number of other elements in the Little Alchemy games. But how do you create it in the first place? Let’s find out. 

Ingredients needed to make Sun 

There are 5 sets of ingredients (recipes) that can be combined to create Sun. Little Alchemy 1 is very straightforward, but the second game introduces some more scientific combinations: 

Game VersionIngredientsIngredient Images
Little Alchemy 1Fire + Skyfire icon in little alchemy 1sky icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 2Fire + Skyfire icon in little alchemy 2sky icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Sky + Lightsky icon in little alchemy 2light icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Day + Spaceday icon in little alchemy 2space icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Day + Skyday icon in little alchemy 2sky icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Day + Lightday icon in little alchemy 2light icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Planet + Fireplanet icon in little alchemy 2fire icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2Planet + Lightplanet icon in little alchemy 2light icon in little alchemy 2

Walkthrough steps to make the necessary ingredients 

Just like the real sun taking a while to form during the creation of our solar system, creating Sun in Little Alchemy requires some more complex elements to be discovered first. Fire is easy, you have that from the beginning. 

Here’s how to make the other precursors: 


Little Alchemy 1 

sky icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Air + Cloud 

Little Alchemy 2 

sky icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Air + Cloud 
  2. Sun + Atmosphere 
  3. Sun + Moon 
  4. Cloud + Atmosphere 


light icon in little alchemy 1
Little Alchemy 1
light icon in little alchemy 2
Little Alchemy 2

Not as easy as saying “Let there be light!”. You’ll need some more advanced elements to light up the dark. It’s made the same way in both versions of the game: 

  1. Electricity + Light bulb 
  2. Electricity + Flashlight 


Day is an unusual element in that there are equal numbers of ways to make it in both games, and most of them are the same. 

Little Alchemy 1 

day icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Sun + Time 
  2. Sun + Night 
  3. Sun + Sky 
  4. Time + Night 

Little Alchemy 2 

  1. Sun + Time 
  2. Sun + Night 
  3. Sun + Sky 
  4. Time + Dawn 


The very fabric of, well, space. Made with typically cosmological ingredients. 

Little Alchemy 1 

space icon in little alchemy 1
  1. Star + Sky 
  2. Star + Sun 
  3. Star + Moon 

Little Alchemy 2 

space icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Star + Sky 
  2. Star + Sun 
  3. Star + Moon 
  4. Solar System + Night 
  5. Solar System + Sky 


Planets are made from big, heavy things. 

planet icon in little alchemy 1

Little Alchemy 1 

  1. Earth + Space 

Little Alchemy 2 

planet icon in little alchemy 2
  1. Continent + Continent 
  2. Continent + Ocean 
  3. Earth + Space 
  4. Earth + Solar System 
  5. Earth + Sky 

What can you make with Sun? 

Without the sun, not much else would exist either. You and your smartphone would still be a cloud of space dust. That’s why there’s a vast number of uses for Sun in Little Alchemy. 

Little Alchemy 1 

Element Recipes 
Aurora Sun + Antarctica 
Brick Clay + Sun 
Mud + Sun 
Carrot Sun + Snowman 
Coal Sun + Snowman 
Day Sun + Time
Sun + Night 
Sky + Sun
Dust Sun + Vampire 
Eclipse Sun + Moon 
Electricity Solar cell + Sun 
Energy Plant + Sun 
Fruit Tree + Sun 
Gold Metal + Sun 
Hay Grass + Sun 
Jerky Meat + Sun 
Oxygen Plant + Sun 
Puddle Sun + Ice
Sun + Snowman 
Rainbow Rain + Sun 
Salt Sea + Sun
Ocean + Sun
Solar cell Sun + Tool 
Solar system Sun + Planet 
Space Star + Sun 
Sundial Clock + Sun 
Sunflower Sun + Plant
Sun + Flower 
Sunglasses Sun + Glasses 

Little Alchemy 2 

Element  Recipes  
Alcohol Fruit + Sun 
Ash Vampire + Sun 
Aurora Sun + Atmosphere 
Big Sun + Philosophy 
Black hole Pressure + Sun
Darkness + Sun 
Brick Mud + Sun
Clay + Sun
Carrot Snowman + Sun 
Day Sun + Sky
Sun + Night 
Sun + Time 
Eclipse Sun + Moon 
Electricity Solar cell + Sun 
Gold Metal + Sun
Steel + Sun 
Hay Grass + Sun 
Jerky Meat + Sun
Steak + Sun 
Meteoroid Sun + Stone
Sun + Rock
Sun + Boulder 
Oxygen Sun + Plant
Sun + Tree
Sun + Grass
Sun + Algae 
Plasma Science + Sun 
Ra (DLC) Deity (DLC) + Sun 
Rainbow Rain + Sun
Water + Sun
Prism + Sun 
Salt Sea + Sun
Ocean + Sun 
Sky Sun + Atmosphere
Sun + Moon 
Solar cell Sun + Tool
Sun + Machine 
Sun + Electricity 
Sun + Energy 
Solar system Planet + Sun
Sun + Container
 Space  Star + Sun  
 Star  Sun + Space  
 Statue  Troll (DLC) + Sun  
 Sundial  Sun + Wheel 
Sun + Tool 
Sun + Clock
Sun + Watch  
 Sunflower  Sun + Plant
Sun + Flower 
 Sunglasses  Glasses + Sun  
 Supernova  Explosion + Sun 

Little Alchemy 2 category 

Sun has only one category – Space 

DLC packs needed 

You don’t need any extra DLC packs to make Sun 

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